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My life is with three amazing boys. Twenty12 is the year of {thirty} & I decided to make it a year of figuring out me. While I build a relationship with God, I am focused on getting healthy inside & out, have gotten addicted to working out, and I am living a Paleo Lifestyle. I attempt to cook, <3 to bake, have a passion for photography & am learning as I go.
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Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Summer is coming to an end

In {ONE} week school starts here as in summer time is officially over.  It's earlier then up North by almost a month but the boys are so ready to get back into the swing of things & also meet new friends.  They are not happy about getting up early & I don't blame them {by early I mean 6:40 am wake up} which is why we already starting getting them to bed by 7:30/8:00 this week so they will be back in that school time routine.  Our oldest did adjust well in February when we moved here but it's a whole new world for our middle son who is going to Kindergarten this year. {Oh by the way time where did you go cause literally he was born then between him turning {ONE} and now it just flew by}.

I am still not sure I am ready for {TWO} to be in school full time, I think I will feel like I'm forgetting someone throughout the day,  really what does a mom do with just {ONE} child for that many hours out of the day?  I may be lost for a few weeks & I think our youngest will be also {heck he may even realize mom is just to boring for me} but hopefully with preschool & joining some groups we will meet other moms & children so we'll stay busy.  It will be nice to have one & one with him I will admit & then I can hopefully help out in the older boys classrooms while he is at preschool so I know they will just love that cause before now I could never do that.  So I do see lots of positives out of this "kids do grow up & will not always be with you 24/7" so face the facts lady & get a life lol}

With school starting means a photo shoot, now it's hot here & by hot I mean you are outside for  2 minutes and that shower you took right before you left was pointless.  I think we were literally outside for {FIFTEEN} minutes total in the shade then we all couldn't take it anymore.  But the boys did awesome even with Gavin being in an episode.   I manage to get some of him with his 'cheese ball' smile before he started crashing & was over it.

1 comment:

  1. LoVe the pics! <3 My boogers start tomorrow. They had PM Kindergarten last year. Didn't have to be at school till 11:30. So we are all not looking fwd to being at school by 8:30. LOL!
